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The Coffee Run: Eugen Fink

The Coffee Run: Eugen Fink

In the opening episode, Sven accompanies Eugen Fink, the head of KRAFT Runners, on a run through Berlin-Mitte and the Tiergarten in Berlin. The starting point is the Kraftraum, the new base of the KRAFT Runners.

Editor's note: With our format "The Coffee Run" we want to celebrate the joy of running and a good coffee. We take you on a run of authentic conversations with inspiring people who share their educational and sometimes profound experiences.

This episode delves deep into Eugen's influence on running culture, his ability to push the boundaries of traditional running through creativity and unusual running challenges. His relaxed approach inspires countless followers to also lace up their running shoes.

After the run, we chat over coffee in Café L'oui about Eugen's running career, the connection between running and lifestyle and his view of the running community - much more than sport, but an opportunity to spend time together. He also reveals how you can get 2,500 followers on Instagram with ramen.

“I don’t have to make up a story. That makes it easy for me because there is a start, there is a finish and things happen in between.”

- Eugen Fink

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