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David Schönherr: Ein Ultra-Marathon, ein Sieg, eine Bestimmung

David Schönherr: An ultra-marathon, a victory, a destiny

In this three-part series, we accompany David Schönherr as he prepares for the Wings For Life World Run in Munich. Can he defend his title there?

Photos: Florian Kurrasch

This video series was produced in collaboration with Hoka and Therabody.

The Path to Ultra-Marathon Runner - Part 1

Just one week after taking part in the London Marathon in 2019, David Schönherr spontaneously ventured to the Wings For Life Run in Munich - and surprisingly secured victory. Since this remarkable moment, he has dedicated himself to ultra-marathons, regularly taking part in these challenging races and is planning to be at the top again in Munich in 2024.

Ultra-Marathon Training at Altitude - Part 2

In order to run well over 60 km and achieve a top placing at this year's Wings For Life World Run in Munich, David went to a high altitude training camp for the first time. We accompanied him on his first double day at the training camp and got some exciting insights.

Defending the title at the Wings For Life Run? - Part 3

David Schönherr is the defending champion at this year's Wings For Life Run in Munich. He came to Munich with optimal physical and mental preparation, completed a high-altitude training camp for the first time and aims to run more than 60 km again. The high expectations, both from himself and from others, are motivating, but also bring pressure. Can he surpass the 60 km mark again, and will this performance be enough to win again?

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