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8 Geschichten vom Februar 2023, die gut für den Sport sind (oder sein können)

8 stories from Feb 2023 that are good for the sport (or can be)

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of February that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to:

1. Trying new race-formats

The Copenhagen based running wear company SAYSKY is definetly know for breaking the norm with their camoflage and flower patterns. But they also raise awareness with new race formats regularly. Formula SAYSKY, their latest event, was a 45 minutes time trial on the world biggest indoor go-kart track.

Nicklas Fenger, CMO of SAYSKY, explains their latest event as “another showcase of what it is that SAYSKY tries to achieve - to bring together the running community, with unique and engaging experiences […]” Read article on 

2. Breakaway of Style

Together with some other running apparel companies, we share the mission to make running cooler. Cycling often serves as inspiration for this. Well-known names here are Rapha from London, Pas Normal Studios from Copenhagen or MAAP from Melbourne.

However, this was not always the case. If you look at the team jerseys at the Tour de France a few years ago, it quickly becomes clear that a lot has changed (for the better) in the last decade. This not only proves that change is also possible in running, but also shows what to focus on. Read article on

3. How can we get more people interested in watching running races?

If it is already quite difficult for interested runners to find a decent stream of a marathon or a track event, how should it be possible to attract a broader audience of running or track & field events? There are streams on YouTube and FB Live, FloTrack, Runnerspace or USATF.TV but some of them are behind paywalls, and all are targeting an audience looking for the product already.

Atlanta Track Club is looking to pioneer a new approach, announcing in early February that it will now produce all of its own broadcasts of its races and events. With the goal of ensuring that track and field, road racing and cross country is free and easily accessible to fans. And at the same time can be easily discovered by potential new fans. Read article

4. Behind the scenes of Keely Hodgkinson's world indoor 600m record

On January 28, 2023, Keely Hodgkinson broke the world indoor 600m record by 0.03 seconds. Without wanting to diminish the performance, it goes down slightly in light of the multitude of broken national and world records on the world's indoor tracks in recent weeks.

What really captivates you however is the tension and focus before the race, the emotions during and especially after the race. How does such a young athlete with a world-class level deal with pressure? Such videos not only provide insights, but also make world records more understandable and, more importantly, the runners who run them more approachable and more human. By Dan Vernon for Athletics Weekly. Watch on YouTube

5. Beyond the Doubt - The Transalpine Run

42 minutes for a video means a big investment for most people. But we promise you: it's worth it. If you love any of the following: running, nature, mountains and panoramas, you will want to try a trail race after watching this video at the latest.

"Beyond the doubt" tells the story of three teams of two who cross the Alps in the famous multi-day trail running event "Transalpine Run". Filmmaker Stephan Wieser provides unique insights into the 2019 edition of the race with breathtaking panoramas, in-depth athlete interviews and genuine emotion. If you want to get people excited about an event, this is the way to do it! Watch on YouTube

6. More background stories of runners!

HOKA understands that good stories inspire and can turn runners into fans. They're sharing the story of their trail athlete Adam Peterman, who made a mark on the scene at the latest after a string of victories in 2022, including his hundred-mile debut in the Western States and victory at the World Mountain Running Championships 80K in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This three-part series following Adam's journey over the next few months will show what makes him one of the most humble yet tenacious competitors in ultra running today. Rabbit Wolf Creative for HOKA. Watch on YouTube

7. Why does someone think making a print magazine is important?

Print isn't dead, but it's by no means commonplace either. Anyone who publishes a magazine puts a lot of dedication and attention to detail into the project. ON does just that with their OFF Magazine, devoting itself exclusively to the topics of running community and movement, design and sustainability.

How and especially why ON takes the trouble to publish a print publication is explained in the short interview with Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Mike Stuart. A recommendation for all design and aesthetics fans out there. Read interview on

8. Double Threshold Days, lactate testing. Sounds complicated and though.

Finally, there is an extra for all running nerds and for those who have always wondered what "Double Treshhold Days" are all about.

Many Norwegians, especially Jakob Ingebrigtsen and the two triathletes Gustav Iden and Kristian Blummenfelt, have been achieving amazing results in endurance sports for years now. Although they are quite open about their training, many questions remain unanswered. Alex Hutchinson, columnist and author of the book "Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance", answers some of these questions in an understandable way in this article. Very interesting insights! Read article on

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