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Cross Country: Das machen die USA um Meilen besser

Cross Country: The USA does this miles better

Cross Country: Das machen die USA um Meilen besser

Cross Country: The USA does this miles better

Cross country enjoys a completely different status in the USA than in Germany. What could and should Germany learn from the USA when it comes to cross country? We spoke to former college runner-tu...

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Cross Country: Laufen jenseits der Grenzen

Cross Country: Running beyond the limits

Cross Country is more than just a race over fields and hills - it is a tradition that combines endurance, tactics, duels and team spirit. A running format with a lot of potential, but unfortunately...

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Boston Marathon - Die Mutter aller Marathons

Boston Marathon - The mother of all marathons

Boston is the oldest annual marathon in the world, which is why it is also known as the mother of all marathons. The race is fully booked every year and 30,000 starters are admitted. Simply regist...

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8 Geschichten vom Februar 2023, die gut für den Sport sind (oder sein können)

8 stories from Feb 2023 that are good for the sport (or can be)

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of February that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to:

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8 Stories und News aus der Laufwelt, die du im Januar 2023 verpasst haben könntest

8 running related stories and news you might have missed in January 2023

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of January that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to.

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