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Cross Country: Vom Underdog zur neuen Spannungsquelle im Laufsport?

Cross Country: From underdog to new source of excitement in running?

Cross Country: Vom Underdog zur neuen Spannungsquelle im Laufsport?

Cross Country: From underdog to new source of excitement in running?

The European Championships in Brussels enchanted me and showed that cross country has great potential for excitement, stories and spectacle. Nevertheless, discipline hardly plays a role in most Eu...

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Marathon in unter 2 Stunden, und dann?

Marathon in under 2 hours, and what's next?

For many, the 2-hour mark is the last great milestone to break in running. In recent years, runners have been getting closer and closer to this barrier. But at what cost and does this development h...

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Was ist los mit dem Laufsport?

What's wrong with running?

Running is one of the oldest sports and a people's sport. Running events are among the sporting events with the most participants. And yet, professional running is such a niche sport, gets hardly a...

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