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8 Stories und News aus der Laufwelt, die du im Januar 2023 verpasst haben könntest

8 running related stories and news you might have missed in January 2023

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of January that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to:

1. The 2022 Women’s and Men’s World Distance Rankings

The infamous world distance rankings by are back! In each event, 800m through marathon, the best 10 women and men were ranked. The rankings are based on successes and performances of the athletes in 2022. Although opinions certainly differ on some choices, the rankings definitely offer helpful insights into the running world. Not only for insiders who want to gain an overview, but also to classify for the curious who want to join the conversation at the next running event. Women's World Ranking ( and Men's World Ranking (

2. New beginning with a crashing false start

The German Athletics Association (DLV) was not satisfied with the athlete's performances at the World Championships in Oregon and has announced major ambitious goals for the future. It's a pity, however, when the federation then makes a major mistake right at the beginning of the year with an interesting reform project, a first ray of hope for improvement, and as a result many German athletes lose an important pillar of financial support. To the article (Süddeutsche - German only)

3. Changing the Sport of Running Through Media

In this episode of The Running Effect Podcast, Dominic Schlueter (podcast host) and Alfie Mathorpe (founder of trackstaa) have an insightful discussion about the lack of media coverage and storytelling in running. Like many of us, the two runners and content creators from the US don’t understand why Track and Field is consistently the #1 watched sport in the Olympics every four years, but isn’t it covered and talked about the other three years.
Our favorite part is minute 18 to 30, in which Alfie Mathorpe gives some ideas and action steps about how he would improve the media coverage and bring greater storytelling into our sport. Listen in Spotify

4. Are the New World Athletics Regulations for Qualification good for the sport?

In the end of 2022, World Athletics announced the qualification system for Paris 2024. There are some notable changes from Tokyo 2020 to Paris 2024 and it became a lot harder to qualify by time standards. Just to give two examples: In the 5.000m the standards went from 13:13.50 to to 13:05.00 (men) and from and 15:10.00 to 14:52.00 (women). In the marathon, they went from 2:11:30 to 2:08:10 (men) and from 2:29:30 to 2:26.50. Everyone who runs knows how difficult it is to improve by a few seconds at this level. Therefore, it’s understandable that a murmur went through the running world after the publication of the new standards. But, contrary to the initial reaction, are they perhaps even good for sports and athletes?
In this episode of the the Pro Running News podcast, the hosts Matt Fox (founder of Sweat Elite) and David Lipman analyse the new regulations, explain reasons behind them and help to understand how it might be a bigger advantage to some nations over others. Listen in Spotify

5. Inside the Mind of Sam Parsons

The lives of professional runners always hold a few secrets. Running, regenerating and always being in shape for a personal best. But even professional runners are not unaffected by comparisons on Strava, ask Cheptegai for a selfie and get weak knees before competitions.
In this episode of The Running Effect Podcast, Sam Parson (professional runner, World Championship finalist for Germany in Oregon 2022, and Co-Founder of Tinman Elite) gives candid insights into his life. He shares his story, his thoughts, and shows the hills and valleys of professional running. Honest, accessible and inspiring. Listen on Spotify

6. Out and Back: Racing the Leadville 100 with Adrian Macdonald

The Leadville 100, known as one of America's most gruelling races, "The Race Across The Sky" takes athletes through the heart of the Rocky Mountains.
Besides Tracksmith, there are few running brands that tell authentic and gripping stories. That's why it's so nice to see ON running catching up and sharing Adrian Macdonald's 100-mile race and his experience with us in this video. Watch video on YouTube

7. On Track Nights

Track and Field has huge potential but is missing cool events. ON is taking the challenge and announced the “ON TRACK NIGHTS”, a series of races in LA, London, Paris, Vienna and Melbourne. Fast times. Loud crowds. Festival vibes. More details here

8. Content Creator Programme

When a federation is looking for content creators, it's a sign of change! And that's exactly what's happening right now: World Athletics is looking for talented and enthusiastic individuals to create TikTok, YouTube and Instagram content for its platforms. The perfect opportunity to make a difference in running and improve media coverage! The deadline to apply is 28 February 2023. Find all info here

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