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Ida-Sophie Hegemann stellt mit ihrem Herzensprojekt neue Rekorde auf

Ida-Sophie Hegemann sets new records with her heart project

Last year we had the opportunity to get to know Ida-Sophie better and even then we were impressed by her passion and remarkable focus. Now she has mastered another great challenge and wants to encourage other women to do the same.

Words: Sven Rudolph
Photos: The North Face

Stabio, Switzerland, July 8 – On June 27, 2023, Ida-Sophie Hegemann became the first woman to complete the entire Karwendel Höhenweg in Austria in one go, setting a new women's record of 10 hours and 42 minutes. The North Face's short film "Karwendel" documents her remarkable run and shows how she mastered the 65.5 kilometers and over 5,000 meters of altitude on the border between Germany and Austria. With this project, Ida-Sophie wants to encourage other women to take on similar challenges.

The Karwendel Höhenweg offers a breathtaking panorama over Innsbruck and is known for its technical and challenging passages, which hikers usually complete in six days. The route, which connects her native Germany and her current home Austria, has a special symbolic meaning for her. Ida-Sophie has reached another milestone in her trail running career with her FKT (Fastest Known Time). In recent years she has already won a number of major alpine races, including the Transalpine Run, the Mont Blanc Marathon and the Innsbruck Alpine Race.

“I like to be the first woman to run the Fastest Known Time to encourage other women to run these distances. And sometimes I manage to run faster than the men.”

- Ida-Sophie Hegemann

The North Face athlete emphasizes that she wants to use her records to inspire other women to run these distances and sometimes even to be faster than the men. Mental strength and perseverance were crucial in this project. While Ida struggles with adverse weather conditions and difficult terrain, she is reminded of the essence of trail running: being alone in nature and pushing her personal limits.

The film shows Ida's technical skills and the absolute determination that was needed to overcome this challenge. A testament to her fighting spirit, her concentration, strength and her belief in herself. You can find more information about Ida-Sophie Hegemann in our portrait of the trail runner .

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