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The Coffee Run: Katharina Steinruck

The Coffee Run: Katharina Steinruck

For our second coffee run we visit Katharina Steinruck, the current German 10km road champion. Next up for her is the Hamburg Marathon, and she has set herself a very special goal.

This video was produced in collaboration with ASICS.

Editor's note: Our format "The Coffee Run" celebrates the joy of running and enjoying a good coffee. We take you on a run with authentic conversations with inspiring people who share their educational and sometimes profound experiences.

We visit Katharina Steinruck in her new home, a sleepy village north of Frankfurt. There the Olympic participant not only laid the foundation for this year's championship title over 10km road, but also completed all the preparation for the Osaka Marathon at the end of January, where she took 6th place with a time of 2:24:56.

Now Katharina is about to start the Hamburg Marathon (April 28, 2024), where she has set her sights on a very special goal. While she runs through the hilly landscape with Sven and then has breakfast together, Katharina talks about her experiences at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, talks about her preparation for the women's marathon in Osaka, Japan, and shares insights into her favorite project as a professional so far (besides running).

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