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Drei Stories von ambitionierten Läufer:innen, die ihren Weg gehen

Three stories from ambitious runners who go their own way

Drei Stories von ambitionierten Läufer:innen, die ihren Weg gehen

Three stories from ambitious runners who go their own way

"Out run your echo" - Running is repetition: kilometer after kilometer, week after week, one month after the other. And what is it all for? Every runner has his or her own answer to the question. ...

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Den Tag nach dem Training auszurichten macht einfach Spaß!

Planning your day after training is just fun!

He has quit his job, university is over for now, and he can finally relax and train twice a day: young talent Noah Löser is enjoying the summer in Berlin. But things will soon move on for him: from...

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DM Kassel: Nur nichts anbrennen lassen

DM Kassel: Just don't let anything burn

Hot, hotter, Kassel: The weekend of the German Athletics Championships was a real heat battle. Who kept a cool head? In which duels did the flames flare up? más. has the overview.

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Trailrunner sind einfach bodenständig und bescheiden

trail runners are just so down to earth and humble people

Former pro-cyclist turned trail runner a couple years ago, Christian Meier, just broke the tape for the very first time in a running event. We met the Canadian in his café "La Fabrica" in Girona to...

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Meine Denkweise hat sich total verändert

My mindset has completely changed

She always wanted to be a professional athlete, but not necessarily in running. Now Fabiane Meyer has become one - and at the age of 20 she is one of Germany's biggest young stars. Shortly before h...

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On Track Night Paris: „Das erlebt man in Europa nicht oft!“

On Track Night Paris: “You don’t see that often in Europe!”

At the “Fast 5000” running event in the French capital, amateurs and professionals got very close: runners were able to compete against each other in numerous races spread throughout the day. We w...

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Karlsruhe im Rückspiegel: “Das war einfach nur verrückt!”

Karlsruhe in the rearview mirror: “That was just crazy!”

The Long Running Night in Karlsruhe is known for its unique atmosphere - and has lived up to its reputation as one of the best German running meetings in 2023. In the still very young track season,...

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Marathon in unter 2 Stunden, und dann?

Marathon in under 2 hours, and what's next?

For many, the 2-hour mark is the last great milestone to break in running. In recent years, runners have been getting closer and closer to this barrier. But at what cost and does this development h...

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Zeiten reizen mich nicht beim Marathon

Times don't appeal to me in a marathon

Sixth place in Hamburg. European champion Richard Ringer beat the Olympic standard for Paris 2024 with his time of 2:08:08. What's next for him and what drives him?

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Ich bin in der Lieblingsphase meines Läuferlebens

I'm in the favorite phase of my running life

Johannes Motschmann has decided to never give up on a marathon. So far, the Berliner has done it really hard - no matter how difficult the run was. With más he talks about his next goals and what i...

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Hamburg Marathon: Wo Olympia-Träume wahr werden

Hamburg Marathon: Where Olympic dreams come true

Bright sunshine, strong performances: there was a full marathon spectacle in Hamburg at the weekend. We were there and captured the atmosphere in pictures. But see for yourself. The European marath...

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Boston Marathon - Die Mutter aller Marathons

Boston Marathon - The mother of all marathons

Boston is the oldest annual marathon in the world, which is why it is also known as the mother of all marathons. The race is fully booked every year and 30,000 starters are admitted. Simply regist...

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Berliner Halbmarathon: Heißes Line-Up, Eiskalte Entscheidung

Berlin Half: Hot line-up, icecold game

At the Chilly, windy, loud and flashy: The Berlin Half is the first highlight of the year. The race on April 2nd delivered again: Germany’s capital has its own vibe.

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Laufen als Team Sport? Ich habe es gar nicht anders gelernt!

Running as a team sport? "I didn't learn it any other way!"

Björn Menges meets Marco Prüfer, founder of Kiez Kaffee Kraft. Besides really good coffee, Marco's passion is running. He has run countless marathons. One of them has changed his life permanently.

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Drei Blockbuster Momente in Istanbul

Three Goosebumps Moments in Istanbul

At the European Championships in Turkey, the continent's best runners came together to compete on Istanbul's asphalt-grey indoor track. The championships took place in the Turkish capital Istanbul ...

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8 Geschichten vom Februar 2023, die gut für den Sport sind (oder sein können)

8 stories from Feb 2023 that are good for the sport (or can be)

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of February that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to:

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Ich konnte noch nicht zeigen, was ich wirklich kann

“I haven’t yet been able to show what I’m capable of.”

más.independent founder Sven Rudolph meets professional runner Christina Hering on a coffee talk through Berlin-Mitte. During the walk, the 800-meter star talks about crossroads, new beginnings and...

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Der NB Indoor Grand Prix setzt neue Maßstäbe

How the NB Indoor Grand Prix raised the bar

Boston is known for its prestigious marathon. But another event has just caught our attention there: The New Balance Indoor Grand Prix. The Running Experts team experienced the full magic of track ...

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8 Stories und News aus der Laufwelt, die du im Januar 2023 verpasst haben könntest

8 running related stories and news you might have missed in January 2023

The running world is changing and there's a lot happening - we love that! Here are the highlights of January that we think deserve to be read, watched or listened to.

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Was ist los mit dem Laufsport?

What's wrong with running?

Running is one of the oldest sports and a people's sport. Running events are among the sporting events with the most participants. And yet, professional running is such a niche sport, gets hardly a...

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